Thursday, December 4, 2008

don't try this at home

when they tell you not to use bubble bath with your whirlpool tub, they probably are speaking from experience.

this is how my husband got the kids super clean while i gabbed on the phone with friend of mine.

funny, our conversation was about if she should have a third kid or not... come on girl, have a couple more.


lh said...

hmmmmm, since my youngest decided to throw an all out fit in the middle of the wal-mart parking lot (i'm talking LAYING on the STREET)last night, we might have to reconsider the third. but your four sure are cute!


Morgan said...

I've had a similar sight when accidently getting liquid dish detergent into the dish washer- I don't recommend trying that either!

Your 4 kids are cute! My husband and I have 4 in a row as well. : )

Terra said...

Holy cow, I did this once last year....Bubbles in the whirlpool tub and I lost my girls - I posted about it too, how cute!!!