Sunday, May 13, 2012

my day

i woke up tired and fussy today.  my children were running at me - excited to show me their cards and handmade goods.  i sat at the table and drank my coffee, read my paper and indulged in a giant smallcakes cupcake they picked out for me.  i opened my presents which consisted of a super cute life is good tee, tickets to a starlight play and a free shopping day out just for me.  so we loaded up the five little ones with just minor stress and headed out to my favorite shopping area.  more life is good - frozen yogurt and my new fave - a gourmet olive oil store ran by a couple from our church.  totally fun and only a little teensy bit stressful with them milling about the glass bottles of expensive oils.

so thankful this mother's day.  thankful i have my mama to love and talk to.  thankful that i was given such a totally loving and giving mother. thankful also for a sweet and loving mother in law who always brings me something fun on mother's day.  thankful for my husband who spoils me on every holiday.  he shows me selflessly his respect and gratitude in ways that surprise me each year.

im thankful for my oldest daughter who loves to go for walks with me and hand crafts my presents with as much love as she can squeeze into them.
im thankful for my oldest son who still pauses to love on his mama in between his extremely active social life filled with rough and tumble games in the hood.

im thankful for my youngest boy who made me a mother's day card which read "i love you mom because you give me food every day."  and he meant it.
im thankful for my second oldest girl who used true restraint today and threw no fits because she was being kind on mother's day.  it was rough on her, but she did it because somewhere in that beautiful strong willed little body she really wants to please me.
im also so very thankful for my sweet baby who i bathed tonight and slathered in honey scented lotion before snuggling her to sleep.  dear lord i love that i still have a baby girl around to snuggle to sleep.

happy mother's day to my mama and all of my friends who teach me each day ways to be a better mother.

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