Friday, April 2, 2010

no shirt no shoes no service

it has been another crazy week around our household. we are finishing our basement, getting ready for easter, and trying to fit in kids activities around it all.
i was taking ashton to preschool tuesday, along with maggie and the dog so that the workers would not have to step over them.
i loaded them all up in the van with 8 minutes to get there on time.
we pull in right at 9am and i am trying to keep the puppy in the van, haul maggie out of her seat and get ashton in the school.
he hops to the van door and says to me
"mommy, did you remember my shoes?"
i look down at his socked feet and respond
"well, no buddy i didn't. who's job is it to remember your shoes?"
he just stared at me.
i thought about this.
isn't this one of those moments where you are defined as a helicopter parent or a love and logic parent? i mean, i felt bad making him walk in there with no shoes, and i felt plenty stupid myself. but its a chance to teach a lesson, right?
love and logic it was, since i had no time to run home anyhow.
i walked my very embarassed boy into his classroom and explained to his teacher, the directer and the handful of nosy parents who had gathered around my explanation.
"i told him the van is leaving in five minutes, get ready to go, this was his idea of being ready, so that is how he is coming to school."
his teacher asked me how i thought this would go over.
"im not sure, but i betcha he won't forget again."

so far, he has not.

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