Friday, May 22, 2009

the nest

my second little one has graduated kindergarten and will be leaving my next for all day school next year. rats. no more carson running up the driveway at 11:34 after his little three hour day of school. its a strange feeling when your children start spending more time away from the home than you do during the week. you teach them to fly, and then you have to convince yourself it is ok to let them go and try out those wings.

another little mama will be watching her babies graduate and leave their nest soon in my neighborhood.

this is what my children found in their play set today. holy cow!!
my mom (the bird expert) tells me they are robins, which are nice birds and to just leave them be.
will do. by the way... i have never seen an ugly baby, but these do push the limit. i do hope they grow into those beaks a little.

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