Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Ashton and I were driving to Target today to pick up some last minute stuff for our trip (tomorrow) and he was being super talkative.
He had lots to say and lots of insight on the things around him on this car ride.
Here is a snippet of our conversation.
"Yes buddy, what is it?"
"Rain is not strong enough to break my window."
"No buddy, it isn't."
"A tormato is strong enough."
"Yes, a tornado is strong enough to break a lot of things."
"God does not know how to make a tormato."
"Well, actually God knows how to make anything."
"But people who live on the ground do not know how to."
"You are right, people don't know how to make a tornado."
"People only know how to make pee in the bath tub, right mommy?"

His new four year old mind is so amazing.


Kandra said...


annie said...

The punch line was something I did NOT see coming! Brilliant! :)