Thursday, September 18, 2008

potty humor

one of the problems with having two older brothers is the confusion that arises regarding bathroom techniques. do i stand or do i sit? when your a baby this could be a problem. while we are no where near being ready to potty train at the tender young age of 16 months, my poor little lady is quite confused on how she will go when that time comes.

this is what i caught today on video.

this is a step forward from drinking out of it i guess.

1 comment:

Mama Duck said...

Thank you for the comment. It's not easy to keep it non-emotional, especially when you have beautiful, precious children to look after. Some of the topics hit a nerve. So it's understandable that you would be emotional about certain things regarding our future and the future of our children. I've always been the peacemaker in my family and it's always been easy for me to get past the emotional filter on SOME things. Believe me, some things definatley get under my skin. Which is why I don't watch the news. You only see what they want you to see and most of the time it is based on a biased opinion. Babbling again...a really bad habit of mine. By the way you have beautiful kids. How do you do it with 4 and work full time? I though I was overwhelmed with 2.