i love the media, how it is so blatantly tainted with its own love and infatuation with obama it forgets to mention the many flaws in the democratic ticket.
i fear that with the dirty tactics of the democratic party, we are fighting a very very uphill battle.
such as, fase polling results, potential voter fraud (ohio), and the media tricks. i only pray that the people of our country come to their senses and think about what is best for their families.
lets talk about senator joe biden. now he is a crackup. the media is having a great time knocking down palin, but shockingly has failed to make issues of the fine nominee joe biden. since they have forgotten to mention some of his funnies, i would be happy to. what happens if obama is unable to fulfill his term (if he is elected)? we will be left with the ultra clever biden. save our souls.
joe biden ran for president 20 years ago but unfortunately had to abandon his campaign when people found out that he had plagiarized speeches from a british politician. seriously.
joe biden described obama to the new york voter as "the first mainstream african-american who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." when asked for a reply to that obvious gaffe, biden responded "it was meant as a compliment."
during an interview with katie couric biden made this hysterical statement about the current economic crisis. maybe someone should let him know who was president in 1929 and that TV’s were not around yet!! "when the stock market crashed, franklin roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told couric. he said, "look, here's what happened."
when asked if he felt obama made a good choice by picking him for vp biden responded “hillary clinton might have been a better [veep] pick"
at a democratic rally joe asked the wheelchair-bound missouri politician chuck graham to "stand up" “chuck, stand up, let the people see you. oh, God love ya. what am i talking about?”
another funny “i was out in ohio," he said while fiddling with a football in his hands. "i told the folks in ohio that we'd kick ohio state's ass!" what was that?
when introducing obama to a crowd biden said, “the next president of the united states, barack america"
one of my favorites, while talking with an indian amercian supporter he told him that in delaware, “you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a dunkin’ donuts unless you have a slight indian accent.” hello?! where was that in the papers?
and when the dirty birds in the obama camp put out the ad making fun of mccain's ability to use the computer (not true, he was injured serving our country) biden himself called the ad "terrible" hey buddy it was your camp who put that ad out!?
i look forward to the debate thursday night... hope everybody watches.
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