Wednesday, February 2, 2011


some things shouldn't be shared, but oh well.
molly and i were playing scrabble at the kitchen table. maggie kept coming up to me and feeding me little pretzel goldfish crackers. she said, i cooked dis just for you mama. molly says, i wouldn't trust anything she cooks mom.
then i hear maggie in the living room singing some song about booty cookin.
she was putting goldfish down her britches and bending over in front of the space heater until her booty got hot. then she pulled out the cracker and came to me.


Unknown said...

Did you manage to keep the chinese down even after that??? I'm dying...God love that little girl!!!

annie said...

Your stories always make me just burst you laughing. Very active imagination that little girl has! :)

Amersmith said...

I was in tears after reading this! Priceless!! :)